• Mental Health Sensitization Durbar
    community durbar
    As part of community awareness raising activities under the project “Promoting quality access to mental health care
    and rights of persons with mental disabilities in traditional mental health centres in Ghana.”
    Gender Based-Voilence in School
    A community outreach initiative by the Human Rights Advocacy Centre (HRAC).
    A total of one hundred and eighty-six (186) students from St. Peters Anglican Basic School were reached with information on Gender-Based Violence (GBV)
    Improving Access to Health for MSM
    Promoting access to health care for MSM is impossible in the absence of an enabling legal environment.
    Accordingly, we also conducted human rights and legal education workshops for health workers and Police Officers in the Tamale Municipality of the N


Your sponsorship will enable us reach more people and change more lives. To make a donation, kindly get in touch

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They came as interns, from all over the world. And they had wonderful experiences during their stay at HRAC.

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Speak Up

Speaking up about human rights is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT ways that we can help to protect and promote rights in Ghana.

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Our Approach

HRAC’s main focus areas revolved around Research, Advocacy and Access to Justice


Research and fact-finding is an integral component of the HRAC. The office undertakes research on varied levels of human rights issues, both in the field and from the desktop.


Many have said that the protection of human rights is possibly Ghana’s ‘most spectacular success’ since the return of multiparty democracy in 1992.

Justice Delivery

Access to justice in Ghana continues to be hindered by a range of obstacles including religion, tradition and culture.


HRAC 2019 Annual Report .pdf
  • Wednesday, September 2, 2020 - 09:09
Abridged Version Mental Health Report.pdf
  • Monday, July 13, 2020 - 14:59
HRAC BULLETIN 5th Edition, Volume 1, 2020
  • Wednesday, July 1, 2020 - 13:11
Mental Health Research Report.pdf
  • Friday, March 13, 2020 - 10:39

Current Project

Message From the Executive Director

Human rights are inherent in every person and cannot, except within legally approved parameters, be denied.

Human rights violations especially against the vulnerable, marginalised and poor are however widespread in Ghana.

It takes an Organisation with the right capacity and commitment to protect the human rights of these voiceless communities.

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Who We Are

The Human Rights Advocacy Centre (HRAC) is a not-for-profit, independent, non-partisan, research and advocacy organization set up to advance and protect human rights in Ghana.

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What We Do

The Human Rights Clinic was set up by the Human Rights Advocacy Centre to give free legal support to the public. The Human Rights Clinic aims to address human rights.

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Publications & Press Releases